Mantis Pics

Some great mantis pics from InsectHobbyist:

i-e6c5b49756056c5f0c85f91dcae096bf-Pseudocreobotra Wahlbergii.jpg
Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii Hatchling (Spiny Flower Mantis)

i-514b93256194cf3181a7338c59293db2-wahlbergii adult.jpg
Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii Adult

Pseudocreobotra Ocellata Nymph/Villain from Halo

Pseudocreobotra Ocellata

i-fdfeae0b19cbc4aa14dd2ca857d162ac-Deroplatys lobata.JPG-med.jpg
Deroplatys lobata

i-a67726cfbb02ef4f1591e4cf979847a3-mantis religiosa.JPG
Species unidentified

Freak out techno mantis!

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Wow...those are just beautiful. These pictures have inspired me to go to the local Bug Fest this weekend. Mantids have always been my favorite insect.

By Laughing Stone (not verified) on 14 Sep 2007 #permalink

Cool site! Just an FYI, the mantis "Species unidentified" pic above is the European Mantis (Mantis Religiosa). You can tell by the black and white "eye" in it's arm-pits.
