Cat Toilet Training Kit

Finally an invention Zooillogix can get behind! Inventor, Jo Lapidge from Canberra, Australia has unveiled a kit called the Litter Kwitter, designed to train cats to use the toilet rather than the unruly and unsanitary litter box. Inspired by the movie, Meet the Parents, Lapidge developed a three step program for teaching cats to balance on and use the toilet.

i-01ab6777bc9903f8d886f1a8d8872c35-Litter Kwitter.jpg
Lapidge's follow-up invention, the Hidden Cat Toilet Cam, has not received quite as enthusiastic a response.

First, the Litter Kwitter is placed on the floor beside the toilet. Then the litter box is place inside the toilet. Slowly over the course of the next few months, a hole inside the box is increased in size until there is no litter left, and the cat is using the toilet on its own!

Do yourself a favor and watch this hilarious video of a cat using the Litter Kwitter after 1 month, 27 days of practicing!

Did you enjoy that video? Gross! You are a total deviant.


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For our next project we will teach a tomcat to use the urinal.

By Three-Fitty (not verified) on 03 Dec 2007 #permalink

My parents tried this (without the kit). It ended when the cats turned out to be smarter than they thought--they generalized it to other toilets, before they knew there was normally a hole in the middle.

I didn't watch the video but I will take your word for it! The only drawback I can think of is the litter producing companies aren't going to be too thrilled! LOL!
Dave Briggs :~)

By Dave Briggs (not verified) on 06 Dec 2007 #permalink