Playful Polar Bear at Brookfield Zoo

Spent the day at the Brookfield Zoo and was lucky enough to catch a resident polar bear inventing games for himself and doubly lucky my fiancee brought a video cam.

Polar Bear Takes a Dive

Polar Bear Tossing Around His Toy

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Polar Bear Balances Toy on Nose and Paw

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Man, I never get to see the bears at the Minnesota Zoo do anything but practice their napping technique. The Tigers, too, for that matter.

Made maybe a little less cute by my suspicion that the bear is pretending that it's a baby seal it's tossing around. :-)

By Theodosia (not verified) on 16 Jun 2008 #permalink

Theodosia: Made maybe a little less cute by my suspicion that the bear is pretending that it's a baby seal it's tossing around. :-)

Wait, now I'm confused, I thought that WAS the cute part.

I just can't get over the feeling when I'm at the zoo it's animal jail. Maybe some of those polar bears should be doing hard time--I don't know. Now for dogs like Lady, I'm for harm reduction, personally. Toad users/abusers aren't hurting anyone.

On a more sombre note, David Attenborough once told me that he feels that polar bears really shouldn't be kept in zoos. Apparently, they have a very high probability of going deranged.

In last video, where it climbs out, I was vividly reminded of a very large man I saw climing out of a swimming pool last week.

On a more sombre note, David Attenborough once told me that he feels that polar bears really shouldn't be kept in zoos. Apparently, they have a very high probability of going deranged.

Cross My Heart and Hope to Die ("I miss those kisses from your honeycomb, This humble bumble bee just wants to fly back home"), Cindy, Cindy ("I wrote it in a letter, carved it on a tree, Told it to a honeycomb, told it to a bee), and In Your Arms ("Just like a bee in a honeycomb, I'm gonna make myself right at home, In your arms, In your arms).