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July 9, 2006
One of our cats is called Microsoft; another is called Patches.  I chuckle about that, sometimes.   Above is a picture of Patches, transformed by a java applet that can be found here.  It appears that the original intent of the program was to transform human faces to resemble those found among…
July 8, 2006
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=-6232036444150437471" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" quality="best" bgcolor="#ffffff" scale="noScale" salign="TL" flashvars="playerMode=embedded" align="center"> href="http://video.google.com/…
July 8, 2006
I was happy to see this article in the New York Times: href="http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/06/business/worldbusiness/06equator.html?ex=1309838400&en=372128defc2d33d5&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss">More Lenders Join in Pledge to Safeguard EnvironmentBy CLAUDIA H.…
July 8, 2006
I am having a bit of trouble publishing posts. So it may be a couple of days before substantive posting resumes.
July 8, 2006
Earlier, I wrote a post entitled href="http://scienceblogs.com/corpuscallosum/2006/06/selective_moral_outrage.php#more">Selective Moral Outrage, in that post, I discussed the fact that some site, particularly conservative sites, picked on the New York Times for reporting on the monitoring of…
July 7, 2006
Usability Tips: How to read blogs more efficiently I can tell that people are clicking on my "add to Bloglines" button, but few are actually completing the process.  I can only surmise that people are clicking on it in order to find out what it does.  But if you click on it and you do not already…
July 7, 2006
This is the Spiral Galaxy NGC 2403 from Subaru, as noted on NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.
July 6, 2006
There has been some blogosphere and mediasphere activity regarding the following article ( href="http://archpedi.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/full/160/7/739">Age at Drinking Onset and Alcohol Dependence) in Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.  The New York Times picked it up ( href="…
July 6, 2006
Is href="http://skepticrant.blogspot.com/2006/07/thirsty-for-truth-try-skeptic-cola.html">up at Skeptic Rant.  Really cool graphics this time.  Took a lot of work.  Clever.  Plus, it seems that everybody is reading it.
July 5, 2006
What do the following have in common: heliocentrism, evolution, Freudian psychology, and neuroscience?  And what does this have to do with the controversy about whether nonhuman creatures have emotions? Pure Pedantry href="http://scienceblogs.com/purepedantry/2006/06/post_7.php">Do mice have…
July 5, 2006
What part of the 50 US States is in the Eastern Hemisphere? Hint: it was taken over by the Japanese in World War II.  Answer below the fold... Answer: href="http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/NewImages/images.php3">Attu Island, Alaska.  
July 4, 2006
It's funny how these things work out sometimes.  I was reading an article on the Christian Science Monitor website, about simmering controversies regarding the religious views of our founding fathers (in the USA).  As I was reading it, it occurred to me that it might be a good topic for a Skeptic…
July 4, 2006
I want to get back to reply to this comment: Comments The Bush administration has not been against science in any conceivable way. I hate to see people use a lie to push a political cause. I would ask all those concerned with the advancement of science to stay true to the calling of using…
July 2, 2006
It was pointed out to me after I put up the FUD post, that Steven Clemons (of the Washington Note) recently posted an href="http://www.thewashingtonnote.com/archives/001502.php">excellent example of the use of fear-mongering: June 25, 2006NATIONAL SECURITY FOR FAMILIES: IT'S FOR KIDS TOO --…
July 2, 2006
A long time ago, href="http://scienceblogs.com/grrlscientist/about.php">Grrlscientist href="http://girlscientist.blogspot.com/2005/06/le-scholar-oblige-another-book-meme.html">tagged me with a meme.  So long ago, in fact, that ScienceBlogs did not even exist.  So it may as well have been…
July 1, 2006
{I actually started writing this weeks ago, got bogged down and distracted, and never finished it.  Now, I have decided to just go ahead and finish it up, even though I am not entirely happy with it.  Hey, I am not getting paid for this, so so what if it is not a polished piece of work.} I just…
July 1, 2006
For various reasons, I am now mostly using a computer in the living room, rather than the study.  That is fine, but it is far from the cable modem.  That would be no problem, having a wireless card installed.  But the card is a Linksys card that uses a Broadcom chip.  There is no Linux driver.  I…
June 30, 2006
There's a href="http://www.medpagetoday.com/Neurology/Migraines/tb/3663">brief article on Medpage Today, about a small study that suggests that improving sleep can improve the course of a particular type of headache.  (A nicety to the article is that it provides 0.25 CME's.) They write…
June 30, 2006
This is a response to this week's Ask-A-ScienceBlogger question.  I must say, it took a while to come up with a reasonable answer.  I finally settled on environmental policy. The rel="tag">Environmental Protection Agency href="http://www.epa.gov/history/org/origins/first.htm">was…
June 29, 2006
I'm getting ready for work, so I won't take the time to write about this at length.  It is just one of those things that is a bit startling and I often like to post such things.  This is from Medscape (free registration required): href="http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/537495">Could Dogs…
June 27, 2006
Sarah Berga, et. al. presented a paper at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology conference in Prague, about the use of cognitive-behavioral therapy for treatment of infertility.  It this post, I elaborate on some of the details that the mainstream media left out.  I end by…
June 26, 2006
Fresh from a bout with the Press regarding disclosures of spying on financial institutions, Vice-president Cheney has taken up a new cause.  The Reuters news agency has revealed operational details of yet another spy plot: href="http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=scienceNews&…
June 26, 2006
I used to blog about this kind of thing fairly often.  I do it less, now, partly because so many other people are ding a fine job themselves.  This time, I am not writing in order to make a significant contribution to public debate.  Rather, I am writing it in order to feel better. Several…
June 26, 2006
Project Mohole got underway in 1961, with undersea drilling off the Pacific coast of Mexico.  The idea was to get geological core samples from a bore hole, to learn about the nature of the Mohorovicic Discontinuity (the boundary between the earth's crust and mantle).  The Project ended in 1966. …
June 25, 2006
I got an email that I almost deleted without reading, thinking for a moment that it would be spam. It turned out not to be. Since the author appears to be well-intentioned, I'll go ahead and post it here. He mentions some on-line resources regarding the diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD.…
June 23, 2006
The Washington Post has a mildly interesting href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/22/AR2006062201952.html">article about Douglas M. Duncan, who just dropped out of the gubernatorial race in Maryland. Reportedly, he was diagnosed as having depression earlier in the…
June 23, 2006
On tonight's edition of the PBS show, On Faith & Reason, Bill Moyers said: Religion is the continuation of politics by other means." This was in the course of a discussion with Salman Rushdie Of course, he was not referring to religion as it is supposed to be practiced; rather, he was…
June 23, 2006
What makes a good science teacher? That is the new ask-a-scienceblogger question. I am sure that there has been a lot of research into this, none of which I have read. That is why this post is categorized as an "armchair musing." I'm going to answer this in a roundabout fashion. Studies on the…
June 22, 2006
I've written about this href="http://trots.blogspot.com/2005/02/pipeline-update-insomniaimplications.html">before, but now there is some new information.   href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=16368265&query_hl=6…