I must buy this book for the title alone!

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Keep us posted!

Short on money and time I'm reluctant to buy any book without some recommendation. It would be great if you were to review it for us. It would be good to find out if the contents live up to the promise of the title.

Art, by an absolutely flabbergasting coincidence, I'm short on money and time as well. So I'm afraid I won't be able to supply you with the requested review anytime soon. Sorry! :)

Sam - yup, it's the same author, and he's quite well-regarded. I just have no idea why he thought a title like that was a good idea. It's like an extra-long movie trailer that gives away the entire plot!

Thanks, Jessica for posting this -- I absolutely love the title and I am tempted to buy it, even if I am short on funds. Maybe I'll check the library first ... If I read it, I'll post back.

Thanks for the "Never Pure" reference....and fyi, an interesting 2008 Washington University Press title, "Life as Surplus", by Melinda Cooper....a tour de force....Regards, S.L. (Canada)

By Sig Laser (not verified) on 30 May 2010 #permalink