Would You Like to Attend the ASPO-USA Conference...Free?!?!

I know there has been a lot of ASPO posting right now - what can I say except it is consuming my entire existence, so it creeps into your blog posts too ;-). The fun part will come when the conference liveblogging begins and all that great information starts flowing!

But this is pretty awesome. A kind and wonderful donor has offered to subsidize three spots for people who would otherwise be unable to attend the conference. She'll pay for registration for three people - you do have to handle your own transport and find someplace to crash, but that seems achievable! You can hear all these amazing talks for free! THANK YOU, OH WONDERFUL DONOR!!!!

So if you aren't too far from DC and would like a chance to attend, please email me at jewishfarmer@gmail.com. First come, first served!

In return, we'd be grateful if you'd use your resources to help us spread the word about the conference. If you'd be interested in joining my team of livebloggers (in addition to blogging at your own site, if any, you can write about the conference and have it posted here under your own name!) and tweeters, that would be great too!

Hope to see you there!


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Very cool!