Mammoths, many mammoths....

An Ancient Bathtub Ring Of Mammoth Fossils:

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory geologists have put out a call for teeth tusks, femurs and any and all other parts of extinct mammoths left by massive Ice Age floods in southeastern Washington.

The fossils, in some cases whole skeletons of Mammathus columbi, the Columbian mammoth, were deposited in the hillsides of what are now the Yakima, Columbia and Walla Walla valleys in southeastern Washington, where the elephantine corpses came to rest as water receded from the temporary but repeatedly formed ancient Lake Lewis. PNNL geologists are plotting the deposits to reconstruct the high-water marks of many of the floods, the last of which occurred as recently as 12,000 to 15,000 years ago.

"Now is the perfect time to collect geologic and paleontologic data," said George Last, a senior research scientist at the Department of Energy laboratory in Richland, Wash., whose sideline is researching the ice-age floods. "Winter has eroded the slopes, exposing new evidence. We're interested in researching any known or suspected mammoth find, to collected additional evidence and to improve documentation of those sites."

Well, Archy is in that neck of the woods and mammoths are his Big Blogging Topic, so I hope he'll write something about this soon.

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I'll have to get to work on this; it combines a couple of my interests. Last summer on my birthday I went on a road trip with my clever wife and finished by tracking down an artifact from one of the Bretz floods.