Will Raymond For President!

OK, that is an overstatement (for now). Will Raymond for Town Council!

There. That's better.

I thought Will must be busy as I did not hear from him lately and he did not show up at any of the recent bloggy events in the area. So, he was busy preparing for his second run for the Town Council. He did not make it last time around, but now the voters know him better, so anything can happen! And having the broad support of local bloggers is not something to scorn at in a place like Chapel Hill either!

I am sure that he'll announce on his blog when he needs locals to volunteer, but until then (or if you are not local), you can always help him with some money. He calculates that the campaign will cost about $5000 and he already has collected around $600. We can help him have a good start by donating today. I just did.

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Will Raymond does not have the support of all bloggers here in Chapel Hill. For starters he will not have my vote or support in the up coming elections. I have told him so in person.

Bora, please poll a few more people before making a blanket statement like "broad support of local bloggers". :)

Sorry Bora, but I wouldn't vote for Will for dog catcher. While I sincerely appreciate his community activism and especially his research into issues of money and politics, I simply don't think of him as someone who I can trust to work productively with others to develop collective solutions to community problems.

When he ran for Town Council 2 years ago, he quickly shed his confrontational approach and presented himself as a smart and reasonable person who would make a great leader for our community. He convinced me - I voted for him and told my friends to as well.

However as soon the election was over, he returned to same old tactics of relentless hounding on issues of importance to himself (like slowing transit-friendly urban redevelopment), and I felt like I had been duped in 2005. I won't make that mistake again.

Ii did not say 100% support.

Politics is fun because it is confrontational! You can sway me, or not, for or against Will's candidacy, and Will be undoubtfully try to do the same, and both outcomes (i.e., how I vote next time) are OK.