Introducing the (rigorously peer-reviewed, of course) PLoS store!

i-97d0e14b65999a2841fe0e805efe3a75-OA PLoS shirt.jpg

If you ever saw me at a conference, you probably asked me for one of the famous PLoS t-shirts. Or you did not even have to ask - I just gave you one.

Or perhaps you won one of our contests in the past - a synchroblogging anniversary competition, or a Blog Pick Of The Month - in which case you also got one of the shirts.

If you attended one of the previous ScienceOnline meetings, you got a PLoS ONE shirt.

Over the past two years or so, I went through an enormous box of PLoS swag, not just shirts, but also stickers, mouse-pads, pens, decals, etc. Other PLoS employees do the same, whenever they travel.

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And we'll keep doing this, of course. But now, we will have a much broader range of products to offer AND, most importantly, you don't have to wait to meet us - you can now order one for yourself.

Yes, yesterday we launched the amazing PLoS Store. We peer-reviewed all the potential suppliers and chose Zazzle. We even peer-reviewed the shirts ourselves: San Francisco staffers got some shirts, wore them, washed them, and reported that they held up nicely.

Go take a look and get your holiday shopping started!


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It is true that when I recieved my PLoS travel coffee cup as a prize for winning the PLoS poetry contest, the bottom rubber thingie at the bottom of the cup fell off right away. But this turned out to be a vestigial part and now this is my primary travel coffee mug. It is superior to the Gopher coffee mug form Teh U, it is superior to the local International Famous Coffee Shop coffee mug, and others that we have laying around. I strongly endorse the PLoS travel coffee mug.

It fits nicely in any cup holder as well.

Greg, I am sorry to hear that, email me your address and we'll send you another one, or would you prefer one of our lime green water bottles? We created those mugs before we launched the store, hopefully the Zazzle offerings will be a little more robust.

Hi Liz, this article just popped up from my "Zazzle" google alert. Congrats on opening the store! Not sure if you remember me, but I used to work at Zazzle! The store looks great! Best of luck to you!

Actually i have not won the contest but i really want to won because of this cute PLOs t-shirts. Is this only way to get this t-shirt!lease give me more details about your products. i thought they must be quite interesting!

By supplements (not verified) on 18 Nov 2009 #permalink

Well, obviously, you can buy some from the store ;-)