The Terrorism Index

You might have seen the article, The Terrorism Index, in Foreign Policy magazine a while ago. If you did, here is a reminder of the high points. If you did not, go read the whole thing.


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I think we need a remake of "Song of the South", with Brer Fox played by Mr. Cheney, Brer Bear by GWB, Brer Rabbit by the nonexistant WMD (voice by Osama Bin Laden), and Iraq as the tar baby.

You want to be Uncle Remus, Joseph?

Here's a generic comment: with as much effort as the folks at ScienceBlogs has put into this area, why is it they can't fix it so at the bottom it doesn't have to say "1 comments"?

I'd be happy to play Uncle Remus, although I have absolutely no skill in acting, I think I could make some pointed comments about the little tricksters we have in government right now.

Never noticed the sloppy code in the comment counter. I did notice that the comment preview page still uses the old (brown and black) template, instead of the new lime and white one.