Maryland how I love thee

I'm so proud of my home state for affirming equality for all in the ballot box rather than in the courts. I was born and raised in Maryland, although I've spent more of my adult life in Virginia, one of the big things I've noticed in the divide between the two states (and I love both of them) is that Marylanders do a better job at taking care of each other, and running an effective state with high quality services. Marylanders believe government can work, and generally (outside of Baltimore) it does. Marylanders also reject bigotry, and with question 4 (the Maryland Dream act) and question 6 affirming the rights of LGBT to marry, I'm so proud of my state for rejecting bigotry and electing to give everyone a chance at the dream.

Another lesson learned from this election is to follow Lincoln's advice, "it's better to be quiet and be thought of a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Moron fundamentalists' ideas of how lady parts work and divine rape plans have been extraordinarily costly for the Republicans, and provide hope for the future that voters will reject some of the truly contemptible unscientific beliefs of these bigoted old men running our government. I'm pleased to see there might be an actual limit on the incredibly stupid things one may say, and still expect election to congress. So remember Republicans, you can't piss off the ladies and expect to keep winning elections. They need to shape up, or at least keep their incredibly stupid ideas to themselves. As women represent more and more of our delegations to congress, hopefully statements like Akin's and Mourdock's will just be embarrassing historical footnotes. Although, the continued presence of Michelle Bachmann is reminder that being female is, of course, no protection from believing incredibly stupid things.

Did anyone else snort when Romney mention the "enduring principles on which our society is built" and the first he listed was honesty?

Finally, I'm very curious to see the effect of the decision by Coloradoans and Washingtonians to openly defy Federal law and legalize, not just decriminalize, marijuana use. In this second term of a moderate Democratic president, will this showdown over drug laws finally result in a pull-back in the drug war? The amount of money, time, and jail-space devoted to criminalizing marijuana use is a national disgrace. Maybe these state reversals of marijuana prohibition will result in a more mature national conversation on drug policy?

This election has left me optimistic we will take the right steps to shore up our economy, make the right policy on healthcare, and increase the investment in science and research, which are my priorities. It's been a good day.


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And I'm proud of my home of Maine, same reason!

And I'm also proud of our friends in CA for killing that ugly, anti-science labeling proposition.

ok. So which specific "equality for all" do you refer to?

If it is the homosexual sin law, then you can have it. It is Maryland and I don;t have to live there. I can stay in the confederacy where things are still sort of normal.

Oh, and gay people have always had the right to marriage. Just not to each other. There will be those who conform to the wicked ways of the world, but they will always to to put up with those of us who will nver conform.

I am not exactly sure at what they wish to accomplish. Jesus will one day return and overthrow all world governments and reset the laws back to normal anyway. Go ahead and vote for sin laws and you can marry dogs and cats and trees and whatever you want. We all know who wins on Judgement Day.

Oooooh. I have a deleter on my hands. That's ok. It was expected from a democrat. Just becuase you deleted me doesn't mean I was wrong. In fact it rather enforces the fact that I was right and you could not handle it. Oh well. Win some lose some.

Nevermind. Compliments seem to be oozed through slower than usual. As democrats say, "my bad".

What is it with you cranks that every time you end up in moderation you become convinced it's vicious censorship of your stupidity. You were in moderation for 42 minutes. Less than an hour! What do you think i do, sit in front of a computer all day waiting for cranks to show up?

Trust me, all I need to do to convince people of the ugliness of your point of view is just let you talk. Although one could also make the argument you deserve our pity instead. After all, the data shows that the homophobes are usually just repressing their own homosexual tendencies.

"Oh, and gay people have always had the right to marriage. Just not to each other."

In logical parlance, that's what's called a "contradiction."

But don't let that stop your "crusade."


"sort of normal"...."back to normal"

You keep using this word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

Mark, you are silly.

After all, the data shows that the evolutionists are usually just repressing their own creationist tendencies.

It woks both ways there buddy. OR ...

After all, the data shows that the liberals are usually just repressing their own conservative tendencies.


Yes I know what normal means, though this country is 53 percent void of it at the moment. What we have now is not normal. it is not normal for two people of the same sex to marry. I am gong to ask a question that i bet you either cannot answer or will chnage the subject and avoid to answer and it has to do with gayism and evolution.

Evolution is all about survival of the fittest right? Evolution proposes that only the strong survive. So if evolution is true then how do you explain the human race surviving if more and more of its members are same sex couples. Correct me if I am wrong but two members of the same sex cannot procreate and evolution cannot continue right? Without procreation we will go extinct.

Between same gay "mariage" and and the UN forcing sterilization and liberals killing their babies in the womb, the human race may be doomed to go extinct. Then again, while all the liberals are not procreating and are killing their in the womb babies, that gives us conservatives a chance to have 5 kids each and someday outnumber you significantly on future election days. Hmmm. I wonder why conservative politicians do not go ahead and embrace abortion and gay marriage for the sake of secretly using the advantage them dwindling in numbers to win the future? Diabolical, but handy thinking. I have to get in touch with karl Rove. I just had a brainstorm. We let the gaysists not procreate. We let the militant man hater feminists kill their babies. Then, when thye are few in number we can get control again. Man, why did we not see that before?

After all, the data shows that the evolutionists are usually just repressing their own creationist tendencies.

It woks both ways there buddy.

I was actually quoting actual science. This paper, for instance or this paper or several more. it's a persistent result. Homophobia is often disguising latent homosexuality. Where is this research showing evolutionary thought is either comparable to sexual orientation or evidence of repressed creationism? It's true that people have a tendency to believe in simple explanations, and creationism is clearly easy to believe, but that has nothing to do with whether it's scientifically valid. Scientific answers are often complex, counter-intuitive, and very difficult for people to understand or accept, as they may conflict with "common sense."

What we have now is not normal. it is not normal for two people of the same sex to marry. I am gong to ask a question that i bet you either cannot answer or will chnage the subject and avoid to answer and it has to do with gayism and evolution.

Normal, so falling within a standard deviation of the mean? This makes no sense as sexuality is probably not represented by a Gaussian distribution with heterosexual comprising the mean and homosexuality on the tails (what would the other tail be? Asexuality? Hyper heterosexuality?). And even if it were, it seems a poor legal argument to say behavior inconsistent with 66.7% of the population should be illegal. Maybe you meant unnatural, but homosexual behaviors are found throughout nature. How does "non-normal" behavior merit laws against it? I thought conservatives were for less government? We do unnatural and abnormal stuff all the time that isn't illegal.

Between same gay “mariage” and and the UN forcing sterilization and liberals killing their babies in the womb, the human race may be doomed to go extinct.

This is a wonderful crank sentence. There is no arguing with it, as it demonstrates its author is totally unhinged.

We don't argue with cranks here. You've said your piece, now go away.

Marylanders do a better job at taking care of each other, and running an effective state with high quality services.

I take it you never lived in Prince George's County.