Know Your Creationists, Part 6

DarkSyde has the 6th installment of his Know Your Creationists series up at Unscrewing the Inscrutable, this one introducing Hugh Ross, the old earth cosmologist, and Ken Ham, the young earth Amish impersonator. He cites me in this installment, but just for the record, I did not come up with the puddle analogy he mentions myself. I believe it was originally Richard Dawkins who used it, but I may be mistaken. Still, it works well.

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The puddle analogy is originally from the Douglas Adams.

I was gonna credit Ed with it for all time because Dawkins has tried some smack downs on a few of my homies. I guess I'll have to abandon that idea.

Yes, DS has done an excellent job with this series of posts.

Query for the logician: the two analogies in DS's post, the puddle analogy and the bullseye on the barnwall analogy, describe an oft-repeated fallacy in creationist/anti-evolutionist "thinking." Is there a formal logic or scientific name for this fallacy?

By Dave Snyder (not verified) on 10 Dec 2004 #permalink