The Texas Taliban?

From the first day of the state Republican convention in Texas:

At Saturday morning's prayer meeting, party leader Tina Benkiser assured them that God was watching over the two-day confab.

"He is the chairman of this party," she said against a backdrop of flags and a GOP seal with its red, white and blue logo.

The party platform, adopted Saturday, declares "America is a Christian nation" and affirms that "God is undeniable in our history and is vital to our freedom."

Change "Christian" to "Muslim" and it sounds a lot like what a religious party in Pakistan might say, doesn't it?

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We recently moved from Austin (the only liberal oasis in Texas) to Kerrville (near San Antonio) and the first question people ask is: What church do you go to? When I say Unitarian (even though I don't, but it eases the conversation to have an answer) I get blank looks.

'"Lord, your words tell us there's a sign that this nation is under a curse, when the alien who lives among us grows higher and higher and we grow lower and lower," he preached. '

Clearly God favours *the also christian* aliens - probably because they're meeker and milder or something.

If America is a Christian nation, why are so many heretics running the country? We must remember that "Christian," in its purest form, means only Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox. At least, that's what the nuns and priests told me.

Seriously, though, the evangelicals are the late-comers to the religious world - a movement that is less than 250 years old. Why exactly do they get to define "Christian"?

I keep hoping this mingling of political party with heresy is a transitory thing - if not, we may be facing the beginning of a new civil war if these idiots continue.

'"Lord, your words tell us there's a sign that this nation is under a curse, when the alien who lives among us grows higher and higher and we grow lower and lower,"

Yes...because all of the Old Testament is about kicking around the alien that lives among you. Oh, wait, it's not? You mean a central Christian metaphor is about being a sojourner or an alien in a strange land? Oops.