
Do any of my readers have a Fark account? If so, please email me. Thanks.

More like this

A free one or a $5 "premium" account?

I have a fark (and I even pay for the totalfark) account.

However, it would seem that I am an idiot and cannot find an email address here on this page for you.

I also have a TotalFark account. E-mailing you now.

DRR: His e-mail is under the "Contact" tab above.

By FishyFred (not verified) on 10 Aug 2006 #permalink

Have a regular Fark account, under the handle I gave you on this message. Registration #6700 or thereabouts. Don't use it much anymore,once I discovered you guys I lost my taste for the excessive nonsense on there.

My TF account expired a few months ago. Do you want to use my handle for some mischief? A little team-up enlightenment strategy perhaps? I'd be happy to help out. There's a lot of awful reasoning and argumentation that goes on in those threads.

By boojieboy (not verified) on 10 Aug 2006 #permalink

"There's a lot of awful reasoning and argumentation that goes on in those threads."

Argumentation, yes. Reasoning? Not so much.