Dembski Hits Rock Bottom

Folks, they don't make an irony meter strong enough to withstand this post by Dembski. Presumably with a straight face, he actually typed:

Here's what recruiting the right people means to an ad campaign (which is what Darwinism has become)

Darwinism is an ad campaign, while ID - promoted by a huge public relations firm working for the Discovery Institute - is not? I'm sorry, it doesn't get any more ridiculous than that. This is stupidity on roller skates. ID at this point is pretty much exclusively an ad campaign, devoid of substance. Every day, in hundreds of journals, scientists are publishing original research that build on our understanding of evolutionary biology. What has ID produced in the way of research to confirm their ideas? Nothing. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Diddly squat. This is far beyond pot and kettle and in a whole new level higher than picking out the speck in another's eye. This is either flagrant dishonesty or pure delusion. There is no other explanation.

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Ed, it seems you've missed the last post of Gib, where He informed us that information has no weight (more or less like farts, you know...)

Go and see how this man jump from nonsense on information to nonsense on freewill (forgetting non-linear systems).

I vote for delusion. Dembski has lost all touch with reality.

With no disrespect intended to anyone, once you've openly admitted that you believe that a virgin mother gave birth to a direct descendent of a being that exists outside the realm of nature, you pretty much open yourself up for attacks that you have been known to suffer from delusions.

Believe whatever you want, Bill. Just don't pretend that we all suffer the same delusions as that doting herd you've been shepherding all these years. Talk about knowing how to recruit the right people...

Should we start the betting pool now? How long do you think it will be before the DI cuts him loose? They'll sugarcoat the whole thing the way political organizations do, but it will be clear to all what the real deal is. "The guy has descended into crankdom, so we fired his ass."

One almost feels sorry for the guy, maybe for the half second it takes to remember what a louse he's been over the years. I mean, this is the bafoon who had the gall to call NCSE a "cheesy little non-profit" and then actually put up a fake little office claiming a Princeton address that was nothing more than a PO Box.

At the time his little game was exposed I wanted to photograph five or six little Fisher Price toy people around a little table inside a post office box and label it the first board meeting of ISCID, but certain people discouraged me.

I regret not doing it anyway. You know, for the "street theater" affect.

Perhaps it won't be long before we find ol' Doc Bill speaking at UFO meetings and wearing tinfoil hats to keep Genie Scott from beaming agnosticism into his brain.

Okay folks, time to start writing your own versions of the ballad, "The Rise and Fall of Ol' Doc Dembski."

I'm getting started on mine now.

What I want to know is how you fire someone for 'crankdom' from what amounts to "The International Center for Cranks, Liars, and Frauds".

Is anyone surprised at such bizarre and juvenile tactics? I'm not. The ID crowd has nothing else to go on, really.

My expectation is that, if we keep confronting ID, ID advocates will just keep getting crazier - after all, what are they going to do, present scientific rebuttals?

So, hey, keep the pressure up.

By DragonScholar (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink

Dembski Hits Rock Bottom? Ed, you gullible fool. Saying that is like predicting the end of the world. Every time you're sure this is it, he finds a way to go deeper.

Or maybe he has hit rock bottom, but don't worry, he's equipped with the most advanced drilling technology available.

Mark my words, he'll say something even stupider within a month.

By Johnny Vector (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink

Dembski Hits Rock Bottom? Ed, you gullible fool. Saying that is like predicting the end of the world. Every time you're sure this is it, he finds a way to go deeper.
Or maybe he has hit rock bottom, but don't worry, he's equipped with the most advanced drilling technology available.

Maybe we should give China advance warning...

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink

Ed - I am afraid that Johnny Vector and somnalista are right... There is NO Low that he won't go... Dembski IS the Limbo Master.

In the comments, Dembski chides readers for their humorlessness, then says he's going to boot them out of his "playground." Which is about right for the general maturity of discourse on his blog.

His comment about humorlessness was in response to people who chided him for posting what was actually a pretty funny video. My criticism was not about the post, but about that one statement within it that actually said that Darwinism is nothing but an ad campaign. For an ID proponent to make that statement takes supreme chutzpah.

What a minute -- I thought Intelligent Design had nothing to do with God/Religion?

'Darwin Would Put God Out of Business'
By David Klinghoffer
The key point is whether, across hundreds of millions of years, the development of life was guided or not. On one side of this chasm between worldviews are Darwinists, whose belief system asserts that life, through a material mechanism, in effect designed itself. On the other side are theories like intelligent design (ID) which argue that no such purely material mechanism could write the software in the cell, called DNA.
ID supporters find positive evidence of a designer's hand at work in life's history. The Discovery Institute, where I'm a senior fellow, has compiled a list of more than 600 Darwin-doubting doctoral scientists representing institutions like Stanford, Yale, and MIT. The bibliography of Darwin-doubting works in peer-reviewed and peer-edited scientific publications continues to grow.
To put it starkly, Darwinism would put God out of business. God's authority to command our behavior is based on His having created us. By this, I don't mean that He formed the first person from clay less than six thousand years ago, but that His guidance was necessary to produce the chief glory of the world, life. If the process that produced existence and then life was not guided, then God is not our creator.