How Owens Fink Can Attack Tom Sawyer

A commenter at Daily Kos had a very funny prediction on how Deborah Owens Fink can attack Tom Sawyer in their race for the Ohio Board of Education:


"Tom Sawyer SAYS he whitewashed the fence. But all he's whitewashed is his liberal record. Voters want to know -- just what WAS he doing on all those long night alone with Huck Finn? This November Send a message to Tom Sawyer -- tell him HIS brand of life on the Missisippi is not the life YOU want. Tell Tom Saywer he can't whitewash his past."

"Paid for by friends of Injun Joe"

I would have said "Paid for by Swift Boat Veterans for Injun Joe", but that's close enough for me.

More like this

I showed that to my wife who said, "That should read
"Paid for by Swift RAFT Veterans for Injun Joe" ".

By Jim Ramsey (not verified) on 01 Sep 2006 #permalink

I tend to suspect that a lot of people are supporting him not just because they agree with him politically, but because voting for someone named Tom Sawyer is just so damn cool.

If I lived in Ohio, I'd vote for Professor Frink, but then again, I know about her now.

Skemono - Shouldn't that be Representative e.e. cummings?

By Chris Clayton (not verified) on 02 Sep 2006 #permalink

So is Tom Sawyer using the old RUSH song for his campaign?