Randall Terry Gets Pummelled

Tuesday was primary day in Florida and Randall Terry, running for the state senate there, got thoroughly trounced in his race, losing by more than a 2-1 margin. Terry had the support of folks like Alan Keyes, which appears to be the political equivalent of waking up in bed next to a horse's head. In more cheery news, Katherine Harris won the Republican primary for the US Senate seat held by Bill Nelson (not Ben Nelson, as I mistakenly said initially), guaranteeing us a couple more months of loony entertainment. She won the primary by spending several times as much money as all of her obscure primary opponents combined, but now polls show that she's only getting a measly 24% of the votes in the general election. I'm thinking about contributing to her campaign just to keep her around a little longer.

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I think you mena Bill Nelson. Ben Nelson is a senator from Nebraska.

Oh, I wouldn't worry about sending her any money, she's not going anywhere. If she was going to drop out she would have done it ages ago when the Republican establishment was pushing at her with a ten-foot pole.

If you don't have Harris in the Senate for entertainment -- and you won't -- there's always Inhofe. And keep an eye on Idaho-1. The Republican running there, Bill Sali, is such an idiot that even his fellow Republicans hate him. The then speaker of the Legislature threatened to throw him out of his office window, and several (Republican) representatives complained because the speaker's office was only on the third floor, that he should go up a floor first. That speaker is now the Representative from the other district of Idaho. If Sali does get elected watching them interact should be delightful.