Balko's Column on Gambling Ban

Radley Balko's latest column at Fox News focuses on Frist's ridiculous attempt to ban online gambling. He deftly punctures every one of the false reasons offered in support of the legislation and points out the rank hypocrisy behind the bill.

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The article says:

"The bill bans online poker, sports wagering and casino games"

It's my understanding that the bill doesn't actually ban these things, rather it bans financial institutions from making transactions with those businesses. It may seem like splitting hairs, but the way Balko phrases it makes it sound like people could start being arrested for playing poker online, which, if I'm not mistaken, isn't the case.

So glad we won that there war in Iraq so we could turn our attention to the real important stuff. Sheesh.

By weemaryanne (not verified) on 25 Oct 2006 #permalink

weemaryanne -

Some of us are perfectly capable of paying attention to more than one thing at a time. When it comes to our civil liberties, some people get a little bent - we kind of like them and want to continue to have some.

I think it is unfortunate that so many people are keen on ignoring everything happening at home so they can just focus on Iraq. This neo-con regime is bent on tearing this country apart by it's very foundations, but you want to pay attention to more important things, while ignoring the weakening of the courts and the disgusting use of amendments in bills to push through laws that few Americans support. But hey, go ahead and stick your head in the sand - because what happens here is not important enough.

Can I ask, what is important enough to talk about that might be happening here? Or are you too busy paying attention to Iraq to have a clue whats happening here at home?

Gee, thousands of pot smokers have been sent to prison for the past, oh, 70 years or so. Where's the outcry over that? Look, I know this anti-poker bill is terrible, but let's not forget the rights we have already lost while we get worked up over the rights we are about to lose.