Freethinker Sunday Sermonette: order in the next ten minutes

The Reveres finally knew the blog had become an established site on the internet when we started getting regular publicity emails from commercial sites and people with products they thought "our readers would be especially interested in." We get quite a few, now, and we almost never yield. Almost. But this particular product seemed like it might interest our you, so we're putting the commercial up. It runs on Edward Current, which is direct:

More like this

...or if under age 16, a Catholic priest.

Not a good idea.

Thanks for the laugh! Don't the Scientologists actually use some sort of hokey electronic device like that? Frightening...

Wow!!!! Just what I need!!! Thanks for the tip, Reveres. I wouldn't have heard about it if you didn't have such a famous blog!

Now I'll click over here to learn the real truth about stomach fat!

Looks like a SNL skit...too bad the guy never read his own Bible. If you find the magic cure for cellulite, please let me know.

By Grace Colasurdo (not verified) on 12 Oct 2009 #permalink