Snail eradication (day 8).

Well, I think it's safe to say that the slim pickings on days six and seven were related to the low level of dewiness.

This morning: much dewier.

The gastropod population in evidence in the back yard: back in the triple digits.

Still, things seem not as infested as a week ago, when we launched the eradication effort. Most of the snails and slugs I found were a good distance from the vegetable garden, and the strawberries seem largely slug-free. However, I did have to pick a handful of snails out of the apple tree.

Speaking of handfuls, my current record is 46 snails in one hand at a time.

Today's take: 334 snails and slugs.

More like this

You realise that by pickling the gastropods dumb or slow enough to be caught you're increasing the evolutionary pressure to select for smart fast gastropods. And have better camouflage. And are too big, heavy, and nasty to liftâthe ones that will try to pickle youâ¦

We have to stop this mad scientist! She's breeding a race of supersized intelligent indestructible flying gastropods to, ah, well not sure what, take over the world or something I suppose. Or at least eat us escargot eaters.

Those poor snails.

By Joe Donohue (not verified) on 17 May 2009 #permalink