When a major network attacks

Just when I am convinced that liberal values are dead and democracy, real democracy, is doomed in the biggest English speaking nation, along comes a major network (NBC) commentary, that puts it all out there, in a manner that Murrow would have been proud of. The failure of Bush and his henchmen is laid out here. If Americans care about their freedoms and reputation, they should watch this, which tells you what the rest of the world has known for some time. It is good to see some journalism happening in the US media again.


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Alas, John, the commentary's just on NBC's cable network. It will never appear on the broadcast channels. The party line continues its domination of the means of mass propaganda.

Kieth Olbermann rocks major crotch as a journalist, especially compared to his current peers. He really is the only broadcast professional (other than Stewart and Colbert) who has really had to cojones to say it like it is, instead of rolling out a ticker-tape of GOP propaganda,

...now, if only Olbermann or some other commentator were to have the courage to do the same to Christian and Islamic fundamentalists. President Bush must step down and the Republican Party might be voted from office fairly soon. The same cannot be said of the religious right.

By Ian H Spedding (not verified) on 27 Sep 2006 #permalink

Wow. Finally, someone in the US media with the guts to tell it like it is (which is to say: say what I've thought was obvious ever since 9/11, but for some reason so many USAians seem oblivious too).