Small world

Here is an article in Harvard Magazine on bacteria and other wee beasties that make up the bulk of the living world, that is worth reading. It's called "The Undiscovered Planet". Hat tip to Jason Grossman.

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Wonderful read, thanks.

By joltvolta (not verified) on 30 Oct 2007 #permalink

That was awesome, JW! Thanks for the ref.

But we knew this already, eh?

The web-of-life concept that is always is the background, sussurating like insects in the night. From Jacques Cousteau to Richard Attenborough (sp?) and from Marlin Perkins to Carl Sagan, popular culture echoes with this idea. We also suspected it when we were small and got caught up watching bees and flowers, ants and sand grains, birds and wind. No surprise that it extends so deeply into the realm of the tiny and unseen. Evidence that it extends into realms much larger than us is also at hand, thanks to telescopes complimenting microscopes. What I like most is that this sense of connectedness has clear, observable evidence with which to show itself!

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 01 Nov 2007 #permalink