Blogging the history of science

A chance link to my blog has led me through an ego search to find Will Thomas' most excellent Ether Wave Propaganda blog. Will is a historian of science post-doc, I think, and he has an engaging style.

Coincidentally, John Lynch lists various links to history of science, including a number of bloggers (your host included). It looks like the beginnings of a Mexican wave of historians.

I recommend Will's post linked to at the start of this post as a discussion of the role and justification for doing history of science.

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Interestingly (to me) I read the title of this post as referring to the History of blogging-about-science rather than blogging about the History of Science. It was not, in fact, until I read the last three words of the post that I realised and went back to re-read the post from the beginning.

I wonder why I read it that way even though I think that History of Science is The Most Awesomest Thing Evar... hmm

ephant - I read it that way too.

If someone were to write a history of science blogging, The Most Awesomest Thing Evar would be the perfect title.

Will is a post-doc, by the way.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 10 Aug 2008 #permalink