Duck Family Tree Shows Hybridisation

I think Disney has a lot to answer for with all this miscegenation.


More like this

Much more of this, John, and people will be labeling you a quack....

I realize it's not exactly connected with the search for extra terrestrial intelligence but are we allowed to use the Drake equation?
Or is the suggestion daffy?

Are you accusing Walt of using a canard?

By Prometheus (not verified) on 09 Feb 2009 #permalink

And there's no reference to the Egyptian god of frustration.

Oops, I see Sigmund (#2) did notice that omission.

James 2:24

Where is the old coot?

What, am I the only one to notice the rampant inbreeding? Would explain why donald's such a quack, though..

What inbreeding?

It's true that ducks, coots, and geese have intermarried, but surely that's not a problem. Merely adventurous. I don't see the inbreeding.