Atheists should not be seen or heard

According to this cartoon, hat tip to Tangled Up in Blue Guy :

More like this

Thanks for the link love, John. I had forgotten to properly attribute it to Friendly Atheist, Hemant Mehta.

I think that the ads are properly representative of the views of strong agnostics, apatheists, weak agnostics, weak atheists and the like. Ottowa's City Council voted to approve the ads on their transit system, and some students at a Christian Academy are planning to walk (or snag rides from Ma and Da) rather than ride such "offensive" buses.

[...]some students at a Christian Academy are planning to walk (or snag rides from Ma and Da) rather than ride such "offensive" buses.

Now that is a kind of protest I can get behind, even if I disagree! Orders of magnitude better than the usual petulant whinning...

By Valhar2000 (not verified) on 12 Mar 2009 #permalink