So many bad puns, so little time

Wilkins is fragile and destablised

Intellectual tourist attacks local inhabitants

All happy bacteria are alike (or is that like each other?)

Australian current affairs gets vaccination right! [That's not a pun, it's an act of God] The original video is here.

Evolution does spreadsheets in origin of genetic code

Siris and Sandwalk go head to head on the Courtier's Reply. Neither of them are dressed.

Creationists misunderstand Deep Time. I'm shocked. I mean, it's only ten years since they were taken to task for it. Perhaps if they had millions of years to think it over...

More like this

John Loftus criticizes the Courtier's Reply. How dare he? I thought it was Holy Atheist Writ by now. But the Courtier's Reply as an answer for theology needs to be discussed critically. First off, I do not expect anyone to understand any particular theology in order to reject it. We all do this…
Our intrepid creationist, William Gibbons, is back again. You might remember him from a year ago when I challenged him to explain the evidence from biostratigraphy, a challenge he has still not even attempted to meet. A couple weeks ago, he was back with a long reply of plagiarized and uncredited…
At last! Here is the much delayed Carnival of Evolution 48! I must begin by apologizing for my tardiness, especially since John Wilkins managed to post the last one on time. I was traveling in the 2½ weeks preceding the deadline for CoE, and the combination of spotty internet access, extreme…
The godless seem to be making some people desperate and angry and worried — the stupid arguments have just been flooding in, and I've had to exercise some restraint, or every day would be a day for yet another long "religiots are nuts" post. So I've saved them up and will throw them out with fairly…

"Wilkins is fragile and destabilised".

Not only that, he's calving!

I fear I am a coward, I couldn't bear to watch the vaccine vid. Reading the ignorant comments from the anti-vax trolls on Plait's blog was torture enough.

By John Monfries (not verified) on 29 Apr 2009 #permalink