Appearance on WAMU-DC to discuss environmental politics

Tomorrow, I will be appearing on WAMU's Kojo Nnamdi show for a segment called "A bi-partisan approach to environmentalism." The show starts at noon EST and you can listen live or to the audio archive here. I will post more details on the other guests when they become available. To preview my take on the environmental agenda in the 2008 election, see my recent column on "Going Beyond Gore's Message."

Late last year I appeared on the same program to discuss science policy and communication. Listen here.


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There is much to celebrate in Al Gores stunning film achievement and his tireless and innovative work at elevating the profile of climate change. Yet the Goracle is not superman. He remains handcuffed by his own political profile. Because of the many strong pre-existing opinions about him, roughly half the public will always discount his message.

This is from your column. I agree with you on this, but his work can also spawn others to act who don't have the preexisting condition of credibility, so I am glad he got the notoriety.
Dave Briggs :~)