Question about Google Chrome Extensions

I've got a few installed now. Has anyone had any issues with performance yet? I recall back when I used Firefox that was the main downside of having extensions.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, see TechCrunch. Or just update your browser and Google will start telling you all about it, in Settings -> About Google Chrome.

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i've noticed slowness problems using extensions on chrome for over a month

Chrome wasn't built in a day....

No extensions for Chrome for Mac yet. Not without workarounds anyhow. Can't see why Google prioritizes Mac so low down given that they must have a much higher percentage of early adopters.

It's a good idea to keep an eye on the memory usage of extensions using Chrome's "Task Manager". I installed extensions for Gmail and Calendar and then killed them after a few days, because they apparently leaked memory -- 200MB to check whether I have new mail? CPU usage was never the issue. I assume that over time these bugs will be fixed.