Best Buy will Sell Linux Computers

The Asus Eee Laptops being sold by Best Buy come featured with an Intel Celeron M Processor, 512 MB of DDR2 memory, 7" widescreen display, 4GB solid state drive, built-in webcam, and the Linux operating system. Weighing in at only 2lbs, the laptop is great for day-to-day traveling. The hardware might not seem much, if you're used to the high demands of a Windows-based PC, but for Linux, 512 MB of memory and a 4GB hard drive is plenty. You won't be using the laptop for much server-based work or playing any 3D accelerated games, but that's not what the laptop is about. It's about having e-mail, internet, chat, word processors, and other applications that you need day-to-day while traveling, or working out of an office, or while on a trip.


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I am the owner of an EEE (4GB). Although the thing is fine, I'd not claim that 4G is plenty. On the contrary, I tend to install a lot of stuff, and it fills up fast. If you don't use too many applications and/or you get a 16GB SD card, you'll do just fine. I also upgraded to 2GB RAM right away (I am a rather demanding user, plus the more RAM = the less I have to hit Flash or whatever, so things run faster). So I can't say with certainty that 512MB is plenty, I've heard others with the stock RAM say it's just fine.

If you see a happy EEE user in New Orleans next week, chances are good that it's me. ;)

I think the Eee is an excellent mobile computer. Except for some of the wireless networking glitches I've experienced in the last few months, I really like it. Here's my take.

I'm posting this message from mine right now. I love it, it has become my constant companion. Living in the Montreal shopping district I'm never far from a wifi spot.

Plus I love the attention, everytime I use mine (or my gf uses hers) we get comments about it, people can't resist asking about it =)

I have eeexubuntu on mine and she installed full-blown ubuntu with the wobbly windows and everything on hers (on 512MB ram). I am personally thinking of migrating my mail entirely to a portable disk and using this little box for anything that's not gaming or design.

They really are great computers =) and tough as nails too!

I have one too and I love it - 4G is a little misleading though. After the install and the hidden backup partition, you only have 1.2 Gb free. I got an 8Gb SDHC card and auto-mount it as a drive. Only problem is i sometimes lose directories upon reboot, along with everything inside of them. A part of me wishes I'd waited for the 9" Eee PC, but I'll just use mine to death and then upgrate to the latest and greatest.