US News and World Reports Screws The Pooch

With an absurd opinion piece by Henry Morris III.

You can't comment on the piece, so I'll just tel lyou that it is in the current web edition of the paper and you can go dig it up if you want. (Blog policy: No logic, no links. Unless I feel like it.)

Henry Morris is the guy from the Institute for Creation Research (ICR). The publication of this opinion piece by USNWR is roughly like, say, the New York Times Science Section publishing a piece on Large Mammal Conservation by those guys who sold the frozen bigfoot last year. Utterly stupid and irresponsible editorial policy on the part of USNWR.

Who's editors can be contacted here.

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Here's one of the comments to Farrell's rebuttal:

I have a strong science background, most of my friends are in scientific fields, and I assure you that only one is a true Darwinian. Most believe in micro-evolution, but not one species becoming another.

Wow, all these very sciencey people believe in inches, but not in miles. She doesn't mention which Bible school she is attending.

And even for those who believe in macro-evolution, they still see the complexity of life that occurs even at the sub-atomic level...

Life at the sub-atomic level, let alone 'the complexity of'? Somehow I suspect "Kimberley of MI" is not as scientifically literate as she claims.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 04 Feb 2009 #permalink

I was avoiding that rebuttal, but have blogged Branch''s rebuttal instead.

I found a link to the comment section on this issue. Apparently they have set aside comments directly from the article and created a separate section that links to both Glenn's article and HMIII's article.


The latest US NEWS that came to my house also had an article by a M.D. about vaccinations and how it was shown that too many all at once can cause autism.

Dr Who's editors can be contacted at the BBC, but what has that to with the present text generator whose editors you are providing a link to contact?