Totally Cool Music Thing with Indigo Girls

eTown is a music and community-building radio show broadcast on a number of stations across the US. Well, it's not all music. They do a wide variety of things, including a kind of pickup-game with well known artists and not so well known, but very talented, musicians.

etown's stated mission is "to educate, entertain and inspire a diverse audience, through music and conversation, to create a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable world."

Here is the website where you can find out more.

Anyway, my buddy Zack, a film maker sorta guy in Colorado, has made a very cool film featuring one of the performances of etown. Knowing of my total crush on the Indigo Girls, he thought I'd like to see it. This is etown webisode 3, with the Indigo Girls and Nathaniel Rateliff.

Here it is:

etown webisode 3- finale performance with the Indigo Girls and Nathaniel Rateliff (4.11.10) from etown on Vimeo.

The word is there may be more like this in the pipeline. Tell me if you like it.

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Pssst! A little secret: you are not the only Indigo Girls fan hereabouts.