Screw this sexism

The following photograph is a Facebook Peme (Pic Meme, sometimes spelled "peem"). In its original form it had a caption that was sexist and offensive, feeding the idea that girls can't do math (innately) and also suggesting that a good backup plan for a middle schooler frustrated with academics is sexual self-objectivictoin.


I've blogged about this at The X Blog. Here, I'd like to ask you to suggest alternative captions for this photograph. And by "alternative" I mean positive. Or funny but not sexist.

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"why don't they give me a math problem that's not so easy!"

By Diane Hoffman (not verified) on 10 Oct 2011 #permalink

Whaddya mean 24/4 isn't equal to 5? I'm working in octal!

"All this and it's still not good enough for them?!"

It's 2011 - And I'm still using a blackboard? Where's my iPad?

Need chalk ... On forhead. Ahh, that's better.

gotta get my head around this problem

I can see my toes just fine thank you.

If only the others weren't so far behind I could sit down.

My headache always feels better on a cold chalkboard.

If the teacher doesn't know this stuff, we are fucked.

Yeah, I made a mistake, but seriously, can't we afford a freaking eraser!

By Sean Tremba (not verified) on 10 Oct 2011 #permalink

Fantastic post I hope see more, thanks.

"If I hear the one about the swine and the coswine again, I´m gonna scream!"

"This one's so easy I can do it in my sleep."

"why'd they have to tell me soylent green is people?"

I'm so damn tired of the boys asking me to do their homework for them!

By Amenhotepstein (not verified) on 10 Oct 2011 #permalink

"How much are they paying me to tutor the football team?"

"This is trivial, why doesn't he get it?"

"Math: apply directly to the forehead."

By Bill Door (not verified) on 10 Oct 2011 #permalink

"Why is there a chalkboard in my kitchen?!?"

By chester longlyhood (not verified) on 10 Oct 2011 #permalink

If only I could figure out the formula to make a sandwich..then someone could love me.

This chalkboard looks like a good place for a nap.