Matt Ridley Wrong, John Abraham Right

Recently, formerly respected writer Matt Ridley has been making a fool of himself with absurd and scientifically unsupported commentary on climate change. Recently he wrote something for the Wall Street Journal, "Dialing Back the Alarm on Climate Change," that serves as an example of this.

Professor John Abraham has also provided an item for the Wall Street Journal that addresses Ridley's goof. As Abraham puts it, "Matt Ridley states that a forthcoming major climate change report will lower the expected temperature rise we will experience in the future ("A Reprieve From Climate Doom," Review, Sept. 14). He also claims that the temperature rise will be beneficial. I was an expert reviewer of the report."

Read John's full letter to the WSJ here. In it you'll find the link to Ridley's piece.

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"Page no longer available." Is there a cached copy of it?

By Michael R Haubrich (not verified) on 22 Sep 2013 #permalink

Boy, the comments on John's letter are depressing. The same repeatedly-debunked denier tropes, from so many D-K afflicted parties wearing their motivations on their sleeves. Aren't there any thoughtful people (besides John, that is) reading the WSJ?

By Mal Adapted (not verified) on 22 Sep 2013 #permalink

I can't get it either. Maybe it depends where you're from?