Trump, Perry, Energy, Climate, #Sad

Two items I know you'll want to check out.

The ‘intellectual’ debate Rick Perry says he wants is already over

Last week, Energy Secretary Rick Perry told CNBC he considers his skepticism towards climate data to be a sign of a “wise, intellectually engaged person.” Yesterday, at a press briefing at the White House – it’s apparently supposed to be “Energy Week” – Perry used similar phrasing, calling for “an intellectual conversation” on global warming.

Four myths journalists should watch out for during Trump’s “Energy Week”

The White House has declared this to be "Energy Week" and is pushing a theme of "energy dominance," with a particular emphasis on exports of natural gas. Three of President Trump's cabinet members are out in force this week trying to spread misleading or false messages about energy and exports through the media.

"An energy-dominant America will export to markets around the world, increasing our global leadership and influence," Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt wrote in a joint op-ed published Monday in The Washington Times.

Watch out for these myths:

Myth #1: Natural gas exports are good for ordinary Americans and the overall U.S. economy

Myth #2: Natural gas exports are good for the climate

Myth #3: Natural gas exports have been blocked until now

Myth #4: The U.S. can achieve "energy dominance"

The item at MMFA has the details.

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All exports are good for America. If we have a surplus in a good (like natural gas), and we can sell it abroad - that is good.

Why wouldn't natural gas exports be good for climate change? If the natural gas is used to replace coal, that is better for climate change.

We still live in a world were just a few percent of power is produced from renewables - so natural gas has lower CO2 emissions than coal or oil.

The first two "myths" don't seem like myths to me.

After nearly sixty years of natural gas exploitation in the province of Groningen and a worldwide sale of Dutch gas, complete areas are getting uninhabitable, because of earthquakes ruining houses, farms, churches, monuments and soil. What are the effects of the overexploitation of non renewable energy for the economy, the land, richness and well being of citizens? The USA can open its gas tap fully and unconditionally, but what happens than?

Climate Change and Earth Change are two sides of the same medal. People help raise the temperature of oceans, land and atmosphere and in doing so people bring earth to the melting point of poles and glaciers. In doing so people accelerate the process by which the crust of the earth will change positions, by collapsing poles as fuses. The president of the USA and the GOP are (blindly) applying for a historic role as fuse igniters. Not a thing to be proud of. They are literally playing with matches. Time for change. Laren NH, Thursday 29 June 2017, 23.38 PM DT.

By Gerrit Bogaers (not verified) on 29 Jun 2017 #permalink

"In doing so people accelerate the process by which the crust of the earth will change positions, by collapsing poles as fuses."

Asinine baseless claim of a moron without a clue.

"Why wouldn’t natural gas exports be good for climate change? "

So you have some sort of magical carbon free hydrocarbon gas?

Or are you an idiot?

The latter, isn't it.

@ Wow: "Asinine baseless claim of a moron without a clue"

Comment by a non-anonymous to troll Wow:

an excellent choice of words of Wow’s own input.

Laren NH, June 30th. 2017, 6:47 AM DT.

By Gerrit Bogaers (not verified) on 29 Jun 2017 #permalink

No, it was a comment by me, great boogers.

Go learn about reality. Any piece of it would be an improvement. Because all you have at the moment is complete shite.

#1 By christ you export alot of shit movies and telly shows.
Give it a rest will yas.
Your Hummers and Ftrucks are an abomination too.
That said, thanks for MASH and Sienfeld and Rear window, which is one of my favorite flicks. Raymond Burr was outstanding.
Cant think of one decent yank motorcar or lorry.


All exports are good for America. If we have a surplus in a good (like natural gas), and we can sell it abroad – that is good.

Why wouldn’t natural gas exports be good for climate change? If the natural gas is used to replace coal, that is better for climate change.

Both incorrect claims are addressed in the link in the OP.

Perhaps read?

BBD, RickA invests in fossil fuels. This is why he ignores fact and favours the GoP mythology on the goodness of coal, oil, and gas.

By Bernard J. (not verified) on 01 Jul 2017 #permalink

A suicidal economy based on conspicuous consumption makes us little more advanced than megaloceros giganteus, and promises us the same fate.