Literature Carnival #6 Now Available

The Literature Carnival, issue #6, is now available. This is a new carnival that celebrates the best recent blog essays about books and writing. Even though they very kindly included one of my pieces, they also linked some interesting essays; I was especially interested to read an essay about intellectual snobbery that appeared in this carnival.

If you would like to participate in the next Literature Carnival, please send your essay links to Dana, author of Much Madness is Divinest Sense. The next deadline is Friday, 18 February.


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I'm glad you're back!

Thanks for mentioning the Literature Carnival; I was unfamiliar with it. I should mention that the LabLit article was a dandy to include.

I just one-clicked an Amazon order for AS SHE CLIMBED ACROSS THE TABLE after reviewing your article on Lab Lit and then reading an excerpt of the book on the Amazon website. Maybe I should jump-start my social life by hanging around a particle accelerator. It would be more interesting than local bar association functions, and the women are hotter (in a strict particle physics sense, of course).

By biosparite (not verified) on 06 Feb 2006 #permalink