Carnival of the Vanities 185 now Available

The 185th edition of the Carnival of the Vanities is now available for your reading pleasure. The Carnival of the Vanities is the first blog carnival that was ever instituted, and it focuses on the best writing recently published on a blog on any topic. This week's host, Iowa Voice, accepted no more than 15% of all submissions received, so you can be assured that only the best of the best writing on any topic was included in this carnival. So considering the high rejection rate, I was surprised to learn that the host included not one, but two (!!), of my essays in this prestigious carnival, and said some very kind things about my writing, too! (I am still blushing).

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You write exceedingly well, Peepmeister. I am not at all surprised by your double-billing.

By biosparite (not verified) on 05 Apr 2006 #permalink