Why Does the GOP Hate Strong Educated Women?


Can someone explain to me why is the so-called "liberal" mainstream media even listening to Tom Delay? Especially because Delay is no paragon of morality since he was caught with his fat hand in the lobbyist scandal cookie jar recently. Besides all of Delay's shenanigans, isn't Pelosi (pictured) more liberal that Hillary Clinton? If so, how does this support Delay's testosterone-poisoned opinion?


"Two years of Pelosi gives a good idea of what four years of Hillary will be like," said Tom DeLay, the Republican powerbroker who ran his party in the House before he was caught up in a lobbyist corruption scandal. "They are both committed liberals and we will make that clear to the American people."

Unfortunately, in this past week, Pelosi hasn't done herself or the non-GOP any favors, and has in fact played into the hands of the GOP with her own dumbassery. I hope Pelosi has a steep learning curve, otherwise, the non-GOP are in trouble.

Cited story.


More like this

"Why Does the GOP hate strong educated women?"

Because they tend to be Democrats.

Sorry, that was totally cheesy. But I couldn't resist.

By Tyler DiPietro (not verified) on 19 Nov 2006 #permalink

Unfortunately, in this past week, Pelosi hasn't done herself or the non-GOP any favors, and has in fact played into the hands of the GOP with her own dumbassery. I hope Pelosi has a steep learning curve, otherwise, the non-GOP are in trouble.

Is that you talking, or the story? What's going here? I don't know of anything she's done that was particularly bad. I've seen a great deal of grotesque anti-Pelosi spin, but I don't see how she's done anything to play into their hands or make it worse. Maybe I don't get it because I'm not a democrat?

Seriously. Talk about overblown. This story is on par with "Pelosi is in danger of losinger her caucus because she wore white after Labor Day".