Another Fucking Ribbon on Your Gas Guzzlin' SUV

I stumbled across this video spoof and thought you would enjoy it too.


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Ha Ha Ha - how ironic! Free ones at the carwash...people take'em off & forget to put'em back on. GREAT performance, Thanks for the post! :oD

By Diane in Ohio (not verified) on 13 Feb 2007 #permalink

You know what they should come out with? Ribbons that you can stick on other people's cars (particularly the SUVs and Hummers) that say something like "I keep the war going" or "I'm melting icecaps." Remember the stickers you could get to put on sexist subway ads that said "This demeans women" or the ones for stop signs to make the sign read "Stop racism?" It could be like that for people's cars. There's a Hummer across from where I work that I would love to slap one of those on!