Penis Parasites

This video, below the fold, tells the story of a man whose penis became the temporary home for the candiru fish, a parasitic fish that lives off its host's blood. Do I think this is fact or fiction? Actually, I am not sure what to think, even though I've been told in the past that this is fiction.

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I couldn't find anything for certain in PubMed, but (oddly enough) The Straight Dope has this updated article on what looks like the exact same incident. I'd be inclined to believe it, myself.

By Maureen Lycaon (not verified) on 02 Mar 2007 #permalink

The guy who is swimming the Amazon right now is worried about these little buggers. He pees in his wetsuit, hoping nothing goes up it.

Also, I had an aquaintance who went to the Amazon for some documentary work. He said there was a woman who got the candiru..... The villagers were very mad at her, because the only time they saw her in the water was near their drinking spot.