The Sex of My Hawk-headed Parrot Is ..

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Adult red fan (hawk-headed) parrot, Deroptyus a. accipitrinus.

(Adults of both sexes are distinguished from juveniles
by the creamy white spot on the forehead
and the orange ring around the pupil of the eye.
The skin around the eye darkens in adults if
the birds are exposed to sunlight).

Image: Dale R. Thompson.

As you probably remember, about six weeks ago, a reader got me a young, newly-weaned hawk-headed parrot, Deroptyus a. accipitrinus, for a pet. I preferred not to name this bird until after I knew what sex s/he was, but I had chosen two names, one for each sex. Those names were Persephone for a female or (thanks to a reader) Orpheus for a male. So, I learned the bird's sex today, and my new bird's name is ..


the bird has also grown into the nickname, "pipsqueek".

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Adult red fan (hawk-headed) parrot, Deroptyus a. accipitrinus. (Adults of both sexes are distinguished from juveniles by the creamy white spot on the forehead and the orange ring around the pupil of the eye. The skin around the eye darkens in adults if the birds are exposed to sunlight). Image:…
tags: Orpheus, hawk-headed parrot, red-fan parrot, Deroptyus accipitrinus accipitrinus, photography, parrots, pets Orpheus, a six-month-old red-fan (hawk-headed) parrot, Deroptyus a. accipitrinus, who lives with me. (flash, ISO, no zoom). Image: GrrlScientist 2008. I managed to capture a few…
tags: Deroptyus accipitrinus, hawk-headed parrot, red-fan parrot, pets, birds, avian, parrots, behavior Orpheus, a very young male red fan (hawk-headed) parrot, Deroptyus a. accipitrinus, who lives with me (December 2007). GrrlScientist, 2007 [larger view]. My birds and I have been watching…
tags: birds, bird sex chromosomes, ZZ, ZW, parrots, sex identification, molecular biology Evolution of Avian and Mammalian sex chromosomes. Image: E.R.S. Roldan and Montserrat Gomendio "The Y chromosome as a battle ground for sexual selection" Trends in Ecology & Evolution 1999, 14:58-62.…

'Way to go, Devorah... I wish a long, happy, and mutually beneficial relationship for you and little Orphie! (sorry, couldn't resist )
Houston TX

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My curiousity is satisfied, and I had a hunch The Bird was male. Only a guy could wreck so much destruction and be so sweet when somebody else is doing the cooking.

By carolyn13 (not verified) on 12 Dec 2007 #permalink

Just curious here: what does "weaned" mean for a bird? My only exposure to this word in a non-figurative sense is for young mammals ceasing to nurse, but that can't be what you mean unless parrots are very strange birds indeed!

When are we going to get to see his picture?

the digital camera is on its way and is predicted to arrive tomorrow in the mail. i will try to post a picture or two of the feathery mischief-maker over the weekend (provided, of course, that i can find free wifi access!)

Oh,how wonderful for you that it is a male! Now you don't have to put up with all the laying and isolation from your sweet pet!! What a blessing. I had kepted my last "hand-raised" baby Lovebird for a pet but found it laid eggs within a year and now at 5 yrs. old lays year round. I never get any quality time anymore ....:o(

By Diane in Ohio (not verified) on 13 Dec 2007 #permalink


Have you checked with an avian vet? Hormone injections are available to suppress ovulation, and this can be a good thing for a hen that won't stop laying.

Congratulations on your Orpheus, Grrl!