My First Digital Picture

This is a picture of my friend, Jared, Christmas in NYC, 2007.
He wasn't too keen to have his picture taken, so I told him not
to worry, I am just learning how to use my new digital camera,
so the picture would not look good anyway. Well, I was wrong!
I think it looks great.

Image: GrrlScientist [larger view]

Thanks for the camera, Karen! I can already see that I will be spending some serious time learning how to use this thing, because it is really different from a regular camera -- the kind that uses, you know, film and stuff.

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How creative and beautiful. I am so literal that I would never achieve something like this. I can't wait to see a photo of Pipsqueak (I shall never think of him by any other name). Be sure to take a photo of the results of Pipsqueak's endeavors at destroying your possessions.

By biosparite (not verified) on 17 Dec 2007 #permalink

hey, carl, that's a good picture; it provides a sense of the movement/life of the concert!

HA, bob. you are silly.

Grrl, it really is a cool image! But tell me, just how much beer did you have to pour into the camera to get this effect and does the camera continue to function?
But seriously folks... it is a neat shot.

no beer touched the camera, and little beer touched my lips (i am only a casual drinker myself) and i seriously wish i could get more images like that, but alas, i have not done so. yet.

anyway, one of my pals told me that i need to exhale immediately before i take a picture to avoid blurring it. i have found this helps a little bit, but is not totally the answer.

and so far, my pictures of orpheus are blurry because he likes to beak the camera, as does elektra, who tends to look like a big red blob with a smaller black blob in the middle.