My Cat is a Christian

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This amusing video is by Edward Current, and it provides evidence that his cat, Miss Delilah, has been saved and is going to Kitty Heaven. Which is a good thing, because otherwise her life on Earth would be meaningless! [1:56]

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Folks, this the way to go to help theists overcome their addiction! Sanguine reason alone won't affect them.
I'd like to see mockery of the Atonement- Yahweh sending Himself as His son to take care of His sending people to Hell. How stupid to follow the divine protection racket! Such a weird notion as that as love!
Also, a rational person neither wants nor deserves worship. So, Yahweh and Allah have psychological problems.
Note: Christinsanity, Moses's Folly, Mohammed's Lunacy, Buddha's Wrong Path, the Dao No Way, Mary's Christian Nescience, the Church of Nescientology [ nescience= ignorance, the Hindu Illusion, the Shinto Warrior, Prophet's Profit, the Pope's Revenge, the Protestant Retreat, Fundamental Nescience, Errant Nonsense [ Errantists are just as nutty as fundamentalists! They rationalize the nonsense also] , Zoroaster's Dream

By Morgan-LynnGri… (not verified) on 07 May 2009 #permalink