The Earth Is The Center Of The Universe!

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In this video, we learn that God created the entire universe for the enjoyment of us humans on Earth. To believe otherwise is arrogant and deluded! [4:08]

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that's gotta be a Poe.

Belife in god tends to lower your IQ

You all know that this video isn't from an actual Christian right? It's a satire created by an Atheist. So if you are looking for actual Christian ideas about what they believe, this is the last place you would want to look.

This is satire guys.
Edward Current is well known among atheist YouTubers!

Steve, that is what I was about to say.

Sounds like comedy.
Poe's law for sure.

Is this guy serious??? or this just a bad attempt at satire?

Actually the Earth is the center of the universe if everything is infinite. Everything could be considered the center of the universe. Even you.

Yep, the Big Bang happened along Fannin St. in Houston, next door to Sirius, and in the grainy outliers of the
Hubble Ultradeep Field. And I'll bet you all were thinking nothing ever has ever happened around your neighborhood.

By biosparite (not verified) on 23 Jun 2009 #permalink

your an idiot.