Zoom Into a Leaf

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This video presents images produced by several cameras and microscopes, shifting from one to another as they zoom in closer and closer on a leaf. Finally, as the narrator sadly notes, that's as far as we can go .. for now. By the way, did anyone see a face in the chloroplast?

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Very nice! The chloroplasts look like electronics at high magnification.
And note the influence of Charles & Ray Eames (Powers of 10)

By Sean McCorkle (not verified) on 10 Sep 2009 #permalink

Hmm, that's an epidermal cell broken open, and they don't have chloroplasts except for guard cells around stomates. And it appears the image changed from scanning to transmission microscopy because under the SEM thylakoids look like flat pillows of membranes. But all the trichomes on the leaf surface were cool.