Calling All Football Fans: Write about the Physics of Football for the Public

Image: wemidji (Jacques Marcoux).

Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est (And thus knowledge itself is power)
-- Sir Francis Bacon.

Instead of passively watching football games this weekend, why not write about the physics of football so everyone can enjoy the games alongside you? The Blog Carnival, Scientia Pro Publica (Science for the People) is seeking blog essays about physics, biophysics and kinematics, too, so we would love to include clearly written submissions that are targeted to the public explaining the science that underlies sports.

Scientia Pro Publica (Science for the People) is a traveling blog carnival that celebrates the best science, nature and medical writing targeted specifically to the public that has been published in the blogosphere within the past 60 days.

The most recent endition of Scientia Pro Publica (Science for the People) can be read here: Scientia Pro Publica 13: Nobel Prize Edition.

The host for the upcoming 19 October edition will be Luke at Genetic Inference. To send your submissions to Scientia Pro Publica, either use this automated submission form or use the cute little widget on the right (sometimes that widget doesn't upload when the mother site is nonfunctional). Be sure to include the URL or "permalink", the essay title and, to make life easier for the host, please include a 2-3 sentence summary. If you wish to read the archived issues to see those contributions that were included previously, visit the Scientia website for links to archived carnivals. Please note that all essays must be written for the purpose of communicating with the public and non-specialists, and all submissions that qualify as either advertising or pseudoscience will be rejected.

Since this is a traveling blog carnival, it needs host sites to travel to. If you are interested in hosting this carnival on your blog, please contact me as soon as possible or notify the current host (please note that I prefer hosts who have had their writing included in one or more editions of this carnival). Scientia Pro Publica is published on the first and third Monday of each month, so feel free to choose a particular date, or I'll assign you the first available date.

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ok, let's get this sorted out once and for all... the game I pirate live-streaming of each weekend (Premier League) or midweek (Champions League) or pick-up if I happen to be passing by and my boots are in the Jeep is called "football", the game to which you are referring is NOT football unless you guys keep on kicking field goals or punting on 4th downs, but the majority of game-work will be "hand-pass-ball"... you see the only physics you need to understand is that when you use your foot to propel the ball and score, it follows that it is called "football", when you prance around in tight pants, swig gatorade for 3 hours while you watch the ball being touched by HANDS for almost the entire game, and then use iPod, satellite, infra-red, and intracellular nanotechnology to avoid actually having to make a tactical decision on the field of play (ie. play sport), then it's hardly even sport, let alone football...!

LOL Bob! (as it happens I did earn a couple of caps for Scotland in the late 70s, but then we also tended to call it "rugger"!)

The addage is still the same: "the baggier the shorts the better the game!"