The Conjugal Rights Guide

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Now we know Monty Python and The Goons were not the first sillies.

By Gray Gaffer (not verified) on 14 Dec 2009 #permalink

GrrlScientist: I hope married life is suiting you :-)

Gray Gaffer: it's from the English comedian Harry Enfield.

Thanks, csrster.

At the other end of the romantic comedy scale (randy vs delicate), check out the skits Morecombe and Wise did with Fenella Fielding. You Tube of course. If you've never heard of Fenella, one syllable from her voice was enough to keep all the schoolboys' things other than pencils and upper lips stiff in the 60's. Not that we knew why. AFAIK, nobody else has ever come close. I revisited her work very recently and the power is still there.

I'll start you off with

By Gray Gaffer (not verified) on 15 Dec 2009 #permalink