How crass do you have to be?

Army bribes soldier with signing bonus to risk life and limb. Soldier cripled for life and can't fight any more. Army wants its signing bonus back because soldier has not completed tour of duty.

I mean what the hell planet do these people come from?

From DemocracyNow! headlines today:

Army Wants Wounded Soldiers to Return Bonuses
The Pentagon is forcing thousands of wounded veterans to return signing bonuses they received for joining the army. The military says the injured soldiers aren't entitled to the money because they didn't complete their full tour of duty. Jordan Fox of Pennsylvania left the military three months early after being hit by a roadside bomb in Iraq. He sustained back injuries and lost all vision in his right eye. Earlier this month he received a Pentagon letter asking him to return some three thousand dollars in sign-up bonuses. Fox and his mother had recently started a program to send thousands of care packages to servicemembers in Iraq.

More like this

Good heavens: these people have no shame.

Yep! this seems like a strange thing! I wonder if they have them sign a contract to get the bonus? Sounds like the kind of thing that would be scary just to read. Let alone sign!
Dave Briggs :~)

Please note that this appalling situation was re-examined and corrected. I share your distain, but accuracy demands update.