In San Diego, then Monterey, then LA, then San Diego....

I know I haven't been posting much but you probably wouldn't either with my travel schedule...May will be much more calm, I assure you. Anyway, today I'm in beautiful San Diego doing a private talk; then it's off to Monterey for the American Meteorological Society's 27th conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology; then to LA for the Los Angeles Times book prize ceremonies (fingers crossed) and to speak at the Los Angeles Times book festival; then back to San Diego again for more events...see here for all the gory details.


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While in Monterey make sure you make time to take a short walk over to Asilomar beach. You won't be sorry. Next best would be to go along on a jaunt if someone is going down to Point Lobos. Do it!



After seeing yesterday's publicity on Greg Holland's presentation, I eagerly await hearing more about the conference. The story I saw is at . Key quote: "The hurricanes we are seeing are indeed a direct result of climate change and it's no longer something we'll see in the future, it's happening now."

By Steve Bloom (not verified) on 25 Apr 2006 #permalink


I had the privilege of attending the Planned Parenthood Annual Dinner this past Monday and wanted to say I enjoyed your talk. It was rather refreshing to hear your arguments between religion and science. As a student currently taking a course in Bible literature, I have become more aware of the dangers of taking biblical works too literally.

I did have one question; in your biography it didn't mention what you majored in at Yale (it's mostly to satisfy my own curiosity)?

It was a pleasure hearing you speak and safe traveling!