Hurricanes and Booze, Part II


[From CNN's Gallery on Hurricane John.]

So anyway, why am I so fascinated by the relationship between hurricanes and drinking? I present you with possible explanations in the form of a multiple choice question:

A. I grew up in New Orleans, home to the Hurricane and Pat O'Brien's.

B. I have been working so hard on my book about hurricanes that I haven't had any time to party.

C. Both A & B.

D. Neither A nor B, I just have a frat boy sense of humor.

You decide....


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There may be a more significant link between hurricanes and booze. In raising the public awareness on global warming, there two things the past year that seemed to have made a major impact: impact of global warming on hurricane activity, and impact of global warming on california wine production. This seems to be what the american public cares about in terms of global warming (melting of the polar ice caps etc seems to have made little impact).

By Judith Curry (not verified) on 05 Sep 2006 #permalink