On Community Organizers

'I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities.'

- Sarah Palin, 2008 Republican National Convention

My heroes are community organizers who impact lives everyday in their neighborhood. I have the utmost admiration for such selfless, often frustrating, and deeply committed work. And I prefer this sentiment:

'Be the change you wish to see in the world.'

- Gandhi


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I think Palin gave a great speach, though I cannot find a issue I can agree with. She is an effective attack dog, and if this was the movies, she'd win an Oscar. Simple Jake and all that.

Furthermore, the republicans will win the energy debate. Most folks do not understand the ins and outs of oil reservers, net exports, peak oil, and so on. They do understand that republicans want to increase the domestic oil supply by drilling and that the democrats appear not to. Ultimately, the blame stands squarely on the spineless, ill-informed, democrats.

Say no more. Game over.

By Eric the Leaf (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink

Oh, come on Sheril, that was a great line. Its a convention just red meat for true believers; it will have little effect outside of the convention.

By Travis McDermott (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink

How are just the democrats to blame on the energy debate if MOST people do understand what you've pointed out? Most people aren't democrats...

THat comment was a friggin' insult.

Community organizers have the responsibility of mayor...but NONE of the power.

Eric, given the content-free speech (where was any sort of reason to vote FOR the GOP ticket, as opposed to voting against the Dems?) I wouldn't be so sure. It was a nasty attack and, well, that was about it.

By responding to her flat out lies like opposing the bridge to nowhere, and by presenting a positive vision for the country, I think the message of hope and a positive future from the Obama camp will do fairly well.

She was for the "Bridge to Nowhere" before she was against it...!

What concerns me is that she refused the bridge but took the money - all $223 million, and they're still going to build the approach road to the bridge. Will that be the "Approach to Nowhere"?

'Be the change you wish to see in the world'.
An important sentiment I believe in, and passed along to others, most of whom already felt this way too.
I must say that at present, after both viewing and listening to Palin's 'speech', she strikes a chord of both concern and worry. She has a manner of strength, with a female smile, that can back-stab and cut. An ordinary person, and there are many, who perhaps is not into the intellect and nuance of politics, or even shares her extreme conservative views, may identify with her.
She's female, multi-tasks with job and family, has a disabled baby, a daughter who will choose life over abortion, a husband in a labor union, etc.
In spite of the last eight years, this could be scary too.

I can't find fault with that comment. She was exchanging barbs with Obama, who IIRC, essentially said that running his campaign over the last 18 months resulted in more relevant experience than her running a small town like Wasilla. You reap what you sow.

Paul Revere
Sojourner Truth
Susan B. Anthony
Martin Luther King Jr.
Cesar Chavez
Wangari Maathi
Lech Walesa

all "just community organizers".......

In spite of the go-women perspective at this site, I suspect it may not include "conservative" women or women with opposing viewpoints. It is well recognized that community organizers have profound importance, influence, and knowledge. I am trying to estimate what Ghandi or Mother Teresa would be like as Prime Minister.

I think that a competent woman contributing to our world via government office, while raising a family WITH a husband who bears co-responsibility, IS being " the change you want to see in the world." Who said community organizers are the only ones able to change the world?

I thought this was a blog on a science site? Has anyone challenged her on her belief that the Earth is only 26 million years old? Palin is a female George W. An idiot!!

By Bernadette Marcum (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

I thought her comment was an ignorant slam to community organizers everywhere. Apparently she had no responsibilities when she was in the PTA. I wonder if the Obama camp will pick up on the underpinnings of her comment: If you're not elected and/or receiving a big paycheck, there's no reason to be responsible for anything.

Given the small populations of her hometown, and her state, I'd say her mayor-ship was basically equivalent to community organizing, and her governorship is akin to being the mayor of a mid-size city. And hands down, Obama's 9+ years of experience in the State and US senate beats a year or so as a 'city' mayor.